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Education Supper 2018

 Registration is closed for this event
Our Education Supper is one of the major events in our annual calendar, reflecting the central role that education plays in the activities of Livery Companies in general, and in the Management Consultants' Livery Company in particular. It is an opportunity to celebrate the work we have done, and to showcase our future activities. This event is open both to Company Members and Non-Members to book. The || Register Now || button will be visible to the right when booking is open.

​The Future Role of Apprenticeships

This year's Education Supper will be focusing on our commitment to the apprenticeship sector. The oversight and development of apprenticeships was a key founding principle underlying the development of the livery movement in medieval London. As a modern Livery Company, we see driving the future role of apprenticeships as being a key part of our activities, and we note that over 100 Junior Management Consulting apprentices are already engaged in training and the Chartered Management Consultant qualification is now being promoted.

We are delighted to welcome Antony Jenkins as our keynote speaker at this year's Education Supper.  Antony is Chair of the Institute for Apprenticeships, and will be updating us on their first year of operation and their future plans.

The Institute was established as part of the Government's response to the Richard Review.  It aims to support employers in creating and maintaining high quality apprenticeship standards for occupations in their industry sectors.  The Institute is sponsored by the Department for Education and has offices in London and Coventry, employing some 90 staff with an annual budget approaching £10m.

The supper will take place in the historic Guildhall, and will be preceded by an Admissions Ceremony, a traditional opportunity for existing members to welcome new Freemen and congratulate those who are being clothed in our Livery.  During the evening, the Urwick Cup will be presented to the authors of the best research paper on management consulting submitted to the judging panel.

We are also very pleased to be joined at the supper by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, who will be sponsoring the networking drinks reception prior to the meal, where attendees can meet and discuss issues with fellow stakeholders and interested parties in the education sector.

Members and registered Event Account Holders can click on this Participant Listing link to see who has booked.

Please note that places for this event will be limited, so early booking is advised. Payment is by Direct Debit for members (who are logged in when making their booking) or by PayPal for non-members.

The dress code is "Business Attire"

25th Apr 2018 from  6:30 PM to 10:30 PM
Gresham St
London, EC2V 7HH
Event Fee(s)
Members £85.00
Non-Members £85.00

If selected, only members with the status New, Current or Grace and those that have a website account will be able to register for this event.

Member only event
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