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Livery Schools Link [LSL] - a Charity preparing young people for the world of work...

The Mistress - a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Educators - challenges the Management Consultants to join LSL's Showcase Event at Guildhall on February 6th 2018....


As an Educator Liveryman, I know and use the Livery Schools Link organisation, but talking to people at the Lord Mayor’s Show, I became aware that some (I won’t say many!) Liverymen Management Consultants do not. What better excuse for me to write?

Livery Schools Link (LSL) as a  registered charity is a “voluntary organisation that aims to promote support for schools in the Greater London area by Livery Companies of the City of London and their members, helping to prepare young people for the world of work.

 LSL has a mission to assist children from less advantaged backgrounds to receive an  enhanced educational experience at school and to have their personal aspirations  raised, thereby increasing their employability and career options.”

To find out more: https://www.liveryschoolslink.org.uk/about-us

Most recently LSL has developed a platform that can match volunteer Liverymen and Freemen with schools.  Please find out more at https://www.liveryschoolslink.org.uk/for-volunteers.

Annually LSL runs an Education conference and Showcase Event;   a day in Guildhall when young people are able to explore potential careers.

The 2017 Livery Showcase Event  was a great day,  the Guildhall buzzed as around 600 students (mainly 15/16 year olds) from over 30 schools attended.  Aldermanic Sheriffs arrived in full regalia, and the Lady Mayoress met students and Liverymen.  Thirty Livery Companies were there – BUT not the Management Consultants!

So here’s my challenge – the 2018 Showcase is on February 6th.  

Will the Management Consultants be there?







Mary Johnson - Mistress