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The book " The 99 Essential Business Questions "was presented to Business Studies students at the University of Greenwich.....

Representing the WCoMC co-authors were Liverymen Gia Campari, David Glassman, David Shannon and Benjamin Taylor....


Through Past Master Mike Jeans the seven authors of the book, The 99 Essential Business Questions, were invited by past member Professor Barry Curnow to address business studies students at the University of Greenwich.  The event took place in the University’s Stephen Lawrence lecture theatre on the Greenwich campus on the evening of 22 February.  The authors were represented by Gia Campari, David Glassman, David Shannon and Benjamin Taylor. 

Many of the 80 attending were first generation University students with a wide international/BME spread.  They were kept involved for the full 90 minutes, not so much focused on the book as on demonstrations of the power of questions.  With David Shannon chairing, each of the other presenters took a 20 minute module.  





Highlights included:

  • Gia’s opening facilitation, building up involvement and appreciation of the different types of questions..


  • Ben’s engagement of the audience and his use of the 1, 2, 4, minute/conversation method,


  • David Glassman’s explanation of the tools provided as a handout and his erudite presentation on powerful acronyms,




  • The lively question and answer session with the four presenters forming a panel.  Here and elsewhere the presenters link to the Company was emphasised.

As usual with teaching, the authors learnt much from the session, for use in the 99essentialquestions.com website as also potentially in a second edition of the book.

Many thanks have been expressed to Barry Curnow and his team for this well organised opportunity to demonstrate the value of management consultants and to empower this generation of future managers.


Liveryman David Shannon

Available through website (above)
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