CMCE Workshop: The Strategy Process 4 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
WCoMC Members Reception 12 Mar:  Temple Bar, Paternoster Square
CMCE Workshop: Building Trust & Value 25 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
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Cel ...ebrate good times....c'mon!

To the Honourable Artillery Company on 9 May for the first of the Management Consultants' Celebration Dinners which we intend will become a part of the industry's annual calendar. We broke records for attendance with 180 people joining us for the reception in the Long Room at the HAC and dinner in the Prince Consort Room - very nicely decked out in our Company colours!

We also had a very nice write-up of the evening from Mick James, the leading specialist journalist covering our industry for “Top-Consultant”, who attended the event.

Take a look at Mick’s piece at

We were delighted to welcome “our” Alderman -  Alison Gowman - who looks after the Dowgate  Ward which includes our offices at Skinners' Hall  - and Alderman David Graves, whose Cripplegate “patch” includes the HAC. Alderman Gowman kindly responded with a toast on behalf of our guests and did so with great panache!

The dinner reported the first ever survey of our industry’s Pro-bono activity with, amongst other statistics, an impressive figure of over £80m per annum contributed to good causes through a wide variety of projects conducted in the UK and worldwide.

The finale of the evening was the prize-giving to Winners and Runners-up in the three categories of our Pro-bono Prize Competition. Our distinguished judging panel chose six projects which had genuinely made a difference and I was delighted to award trophies to :

In the “Health and Wellbeing” category,
Winner: ASE Consulting Ltd
Runner Up: Oliver Wyman Ltd

In the “Education and Young People” category,
Winner: PwC LLP
Runner up: Deloitte LLP

In the “Employability” category,
Winner: Oliver Wyman Ltd
Runner Up: CSC

The evening was also distinguished by a splendid recital by a quartet of young musicians drawn from the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain who, for the second year in a row, brought their impressive skills to entertain us. The quartet’s leader, Angus, is the young player whom we have sponsored for the last year and he and his fellows did us proud with a delightful short programme ranging from Mozart to Scott Joplin. As in the past, the Sea Cadets supported us with a very well turned out ceremonial guard, and the services of a stentorian MC in the person of Warrant Officer James Bryan.

Overall, a great, pathfinding evening – which could not have happened without the very hard work of many people led by the core team of Assistants Bob Harris and Noorzaman Rashid and Past Master Alan Broomhead who have my heartfelt thanks.