CMCE Workshop: The Strategy Process 4 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
WCoMC Members Reception 12 Mar:  Temple Bar, Paternoster Square
CMCE Workshop: Building Trust & Value 25 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
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Would he do it again? - "If the money was right.....!"

The Master goes for the drop....

Creating an occasion for the Company to contribute to the Lord Mayor's selected charities, the Master abseiled down the Lloyd's building. This is the "inside out " tower, with 289ft of drop! He says he had a moment of blasé weakness when it was proposed to him earlier in the year, and then there was no going back!

There was certainly no going back when he found he was dangling over the edge!   

Each Lord Mayor supports charities he or she favours through their Lord Mayor's Appeal. The current Lord Mayor selected:

·         Working Chance (where members of ours are providing advice and support pro bono)

·         Princess Alice Hospice in Esher

·         Beating Bowel Cancer

·         Raleigh International – sending young people world-wide to assist in poor communities 

How did Edward prepare? "I met people who had abseiled before" says Edward. "They all said don't look at the ground! Trouble is, when you are on the roof, there's nothing else to look at!" Edward says he tried to look at distant streets rather than straight down!

At least one Master has done this in the past - PM Mary Collis  Edward says this was an inspiration - "if it's been done before, how can I say I shouldn't!   Aaah, the sin of pride!" Mary was very supportive with good advice, Edward says.

The truly bad bits....."Clambering over the edge was the worst - although we'd been trained in the technique at both ground and roof level, it was only then that we first tested if we could support our weight, and more crucially, allow the rope to slip under control and be able to stop again!"

Would Edward do it again? "If the money was right!"

Edward is very grateful to donating members for their support.  His fundraising comfortably exceeded the individual target for participants - totalling virtually £1000.

If you want to contribute to the above charities through the Lord Mayor's Appeal, the website is . This website will also let you hotlink to any of the constituent charities if you want to favour one in particular.

Master Edward Sankey