CMCE Workshop: The Strategy Process 4 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
WCoMC Members Reception 12 Mar:  Temple Bar, Paternoster Square
CMCE Workshop: Building Trust & Value 25 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
Click here for our rolling calendar or here for City events

Launch of major new Initiative by Cass Business School

WCoMC combines with Cass on establishment of important new unit, ETHOS 

Cass announced at a launch in its Theatre the establishment of an important new unit, ETHOS, being the Centre for Responsible Enterprise and will address responsibility, sustainability, ethics and governance in organisations. It will undertake research and teaching with some of the world’s leading faculty in these subjects as well as using links with companies and NGOs.

Our Company has indicated support, and one of the two professors leading this initiative announced this from the lectern. The Company was well represented there, by the Master, Wardens and other members.

This initiative demonstrates the increasing realisation that short term profit is a poor measure of a company’s success, and indeed, that to be a sustainable company there are other characteristics that need attention.

One of the Company’s achievements has been to instigate and lead the City Values Forum, supported by successive Lord Mayors. This developed a set of products, not least the City Obligation, to improve the conduct of business following the financial crisis. They have been widely taken up. The instigators, Patrick McHugh and Richard Finn, will briefly present the evolution from the first proposal to the incoming Lord Mayor. The “products” will be of professional importance to all. Most of all, we will discuss what the new issues are in business that this Company could provide thought leadership on next. Your views would be valuable.

Most importantly!  A Buffet Reception will be held afterwards: the Master’s Summer Social. Guests are most welcome to the whole evening. Consider inviting friends and colleagues who may wish to get to know us a little better! All held in the exclusive setting of the Private Dining room on the top floor of the Guildhall Building with splendid views across Guildhall Yard to the Guildhall itself and the Art Museum. The cost of the event is £28.

Book your place now. (Bookings will close on Wednesday 16th July)

[NOTE:  These details are also in the Events Diary emailed to you on 30 June]

Past Master Patrick McHugh

Given the Company's initial involvement in developing and leading on City Values Forum, it is good to see the Business School raising such issues to a high level of prominence.

As indicated above, the outcomes of our Company’s work at the City Values Forum will be presented at the Members Reception on 23 July, and we will have our own discussion about the merging issues in the City and business generally.