WCoMC Members Reception 12 Mar:  Temple Bar, Paternoster Square
CMCE Workshop: Building Trust & Value 25 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
Mentoring Skills Workshop 26 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
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So what was it that in January 2019 enticed one of our newest Freemen to join The Worshipful Company of Management Consultants...?

Freeman Damien Caldwell explains ....


In my ‘local’ mindset, joining a group like WCoMC would have caused me a few issues;  of course this was before I was fortunate to meet Dr Simon Davey and clarify a few things.

First item to clarify:  how could someone who lives 500 miles from London be an active and valued member of the company?

Second item to clarify:  I thought companies and societies like the WCoMC were reserved for those who attended educational institutions that did not have to contend with being escorted to school by our armed forces and being sent home early many days because of bomb scares outside our school gates.  A rather ghastly period in Northern Ireland's modern history (and thankfully in the past).

I am lucky to have been back and forth to London and beyond, during my consultancy career, a flight to London takes less than half the time it takes to get from Belfast to Dublin.  London has always been my favourite city to work in, it never fails to impress and surprise me in equal measures.

As a self-employed consultant and founder of a ‘knowledge digitisation’ business, I am very fortunate to call Capita, Severfield, JBS (Moy Park), Volunteer Now, Children’s Law Centre, Acumensis, uHub, Proud and Centred Soul my business partners.  I am not a big fan of the word client or customer, producing fit-for- purpose digital solutions has to be done in partnership.  I was fortunate that my work with the Children’s Law Centre put me in front of Simon towards the end of 2018.

In addition to how highly Simon spoke of the company in our initial conversations, there were additional factors that made me stand up and hear the voice ‘join us now’.  My initial personal invite from Simon to the New Masters Reception in November last year in the Guildhall was accepted without hesitation;  and the location, chats and friendly vibe definitely did foster a curious and critical interest to find out more.

Enjoyable and honest conversations on the night with Ms Kanan Barot and Master John Corneille further fostered my interest in the WCoMC, and if I am honest, made me leave that night approximately 75% convinced that I wanted to join the WCOMC.

What critically gathered my remaining 25% aspiration to join, was the further open communication with Simon after the event and the ‘it is up to you’ with support if needed that the follow-up team provided.

From becoming aware of the company in October 2018, to joining in January 2019, the key steps were:   attending an event early on;  the trusting point of contact that Simon provided throughout;   and the concise communication from the supporting members. 

I am now a proud and excited member, that truly appreciates and is honoured to be a Freeman of the WCoMC.

Freeman Damien Caldwell:  
receiving my Certificate from Master
John Corneille at the Charities Supper
January 2019