CMCE Research Awards and Urwick Prize 17 Oct:  Zoom Virtual Meeting
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A Shop Talk with IBM...

re apprentices, innovation and management consulting...

Some years ago, possibly around 2010, IBM began to reveal its business model modifications.  Maybe you remember their commercials?  Yes, those ones that gave us a glimpse into what could be.  They drew us in.  We all felt a part of the fast changing, hyper-connected and smarter planet.  Those feelings resurfaced for me as IBMer Jonathan White spoke about their newest pathways into the management consulting profession via multinationals.  This was at February’s Shop Talk.

IBM’s Junior Management Consulting (JMC) programme is one of 7 pathways being offered to A-level graduates at the multinational corporation.  School leavers participating in the IBM apprenticeship benefit from practical work experience, while simultaneously studying towards a degree. 

The training format is a mix of distance learning, University days, client work and even rotation within other multinational businesses.  Action learning also features highly on their methodology and participants have indicated their main reason for exploring this alternative as ‘to learn in a different way’.  The JMC scheme is government legislated and IBM’s involvement as business trainer, means they’d be inspected by Ofsted at some point.

But what about your practice?  Will it be trailblazing too into JMC apprenticeships?  Well this Shop Talk was an excellent forerunner to another of our livery events, the Education Supper scheduled for April 25th.  I hope to see you there as we connect more of the dots on JMC apprenticeships.






Freeman Rhonda Best


Director,  Alexander Bain and Associates Ltd

Office: +44 (0) 203 150 0757

Mobile: +44 (0) 7910 276 993