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ETHOS Debate: ...

Is Corporate Governance past its sell-by date?

When:             Tuesday 22 May January 2018, 18:00-20:30 
Where:            Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZ, Room LG002
Registration: Coffee and tea from 17:30 hours  :    Please register by emailing


Anita Skipper, Corporate Governance Advisor, Aviva Investors

Guy Jubb, Global Head of Governance and Stewardship, Standard Life Investments

David Styles, Director, Corporate Governance, Financial Reporting Council

                         Chairs:            Professor Hugh Willmott ,  Professor Bob Garratt
                                                Cass Business School


ETHOS: The Centre for Responsible Enterprise at Cass Business School invites you to debate the future merits of corporate governance. In response to cases like Carillion and the recent FRC review of the corporate governance code and to highlight the recent book by Prof. Garratt we will discuss ideas of how corporate governance in the UK should develop.

We are delighted to announce the following speakers each of whom will give a 10 minute ‘provocation’ to prime our discussion:

Anita Skipper, Aviva: Anita advises on the development of Aviva Investors’ corporate

governance and voting policies, carries out engagement with companies and takes

responsibility for special projects on developing ESG issues.  She represents Aviva

Investors at the Investment Association’s Corporate Governance and Engagement

Committee and is also a member of several UK and global governance forums.

Guy Jubb, Standard life: Guy is the Global Head of Governance & Stewardship with

Standard Life Investments (SLI). He has fulfilled this role for over 20 years and as a

leading practitioner has been influential in the development of governance &

stewardship best practice. Guy is Co-Chair of the Global Auditor Investor Dialogue, and

the GC100 and Investor Working Group. Also, he serves as a member of the Council of

the Scottish Accounting Institute and the Standing Advisory Group of the Public

Company Accounting Oversight Board, the US audit regulator.

David Styles, Financial Reporting Council: David started at the Financial Reporting Council in May 2014 as Director, Corporate Governance.  He was previously a civil servant in the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills for nearly 30 years.  During his career he has held a number of posts dealing directly with a variety of businesses and industry sectors, including, from 2001 – 2011, Assistant Director in the Corporate Law and Governance Directorate with responsibility for policy on directors’ remuneration, shareholders’ rights and corporate governance, including European and international negotiations on these issues.

Professor Bob Garratt:  Based in London, Bob is a company director, consultant, and academic working on corporate governance; board and director evaluation and performance, organisational learning and change, and strategic thinking issues His books include:  Stop The Rot:  Reframing Governance for Directors and Politicians;

 he Fish Rots From The Head; and Why Corporate Governance Matters; He is on the Editorial Advisory Boards of the Journal of Business Studies; Development and Learning in Organisations; Action Learning; and Organisations and People.

Then it’s over to Hugh Willmott to ensure a lively and informative discussion.

Format and Follow-up

The debate will consist of ten minute statements by the speakers. They will highlight the points that they feel need addressing, then its over to the participants. We shall follow the discussion through with a workshop on audit, scheduled at Cass for:

  • 6 June 2018

N.B! There are limited spaces so please register early.

We hope to see you there.

Professor Bob Garratt


                                                        Professor Hugh Willmott