CMCE Workshop: The Strategy Process 4 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
WCoMC Members Reception 12 Mar:  Temple Bar, Paternoster Square
CMCE Workshop: Building Trust & Value 25 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
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The Master cooks curry for court during National Curry Week... [October 9th - 15th]

Master Chef, Noorzaman Rashid, signs off as Master by producing a gourmet meal ....

The first recipe in English “To make a currey the India way” was in Hannah Glasse’s Art of Cookery published in 1747.

But when The Master of the Worshipful Company of Management Consultants cooked curry for the members of Court he used his own family recipes.  The smells were wonderful – they wafted down the corridor and neighbours must have been very jealous.


The occasion was a social event to encourage the newly elected Court members to meet those who were already on Court, or retiring. The chat started at about 6pm and was still going at 11pm.  By then a significant amount of food – and of course wine – had been consumed.  But who could resist the traditional English curries – Bombay potatoes and Butter Chicken – when home-made?

Personally I had never had Dhaniya Keema, ( Pan-fried minced lamb with butter beans, infused with fresh garlic and ginger sauce, with fresh coriander, cherry tomatoes and shallots...),  before, but I know I  shall enjoy it again…   and what about Aubergine Bhaji… surely it must be onion Bhaji?

The ChefDr Noorzaman Rashid, auctioned his culinary skills at the recent Sheriff’s Charity Ball (offering to produce a Maharaja's Banquet, if you can believe it) and raised over £2500!  

Guests suggested a repeat next year- but the new Master’s culinary arts are cake based. Afternoon tea anyone?





 Mary Johnson


Mistress 2017/2018