CMCE Workshop: The Strategy Process 4 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
WCoMC Members Reception 12 Mar:  Temple Bar, Paternoster Square
CMCE Workshop: Building Trust & Value 25 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
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The Corporate Governance Round Table's Human Capital Debate...

...chaired by PM Bob Garratt and sponsored by the WCoMC....

On a chilly night in late winter a group of people, dressed in business attire, congregate.  They look slightly out of place as they filter past business students working late in the glass box work rooms on 6th Floor of Cass Business School.  This is the Corporate Governance Round Table’s Human Capital Debate: Chaired by Bob Garratt and sponsored by the WCOMC.

Professor Peter Fleming of Cass Business School opened by talking of Human Capital being the “stock of knowledge, skills and personality traits” within an organisation.  He raised concerns about maintaining human capital diversity when: “people not born into higher economic families need to accumulate debt to get human capital."

Matt Malone, Head of Conduct Transformation at HSBC, spoke about risk and how enlightened organisations are considering human capital management as key and a potential risk if eroded.  A diverse set of leaders need to be valued: “leaders that dare and care;” the key skills of a good business leader are: insightful understanding of business, broad experience of what good looks like and an understanding of how companies work.”  He finished on the importance of understanding how value is generated in your business and the Service/Profit Chain: 

Gillian Karran-Cumberlege, Fidelio Partners, completed the presentations.  She spoke about the lack of language for effective discussion of human capital: we should talk about the calibre, alignment and commitment of employees and leaders.  Her summary of the key areas to be considered and addressed:

·         Alignment and improved decision making: hiring and developing the people and talent that the organisation needs;

·         Navigating change: “avoid hardening corporate arteries;”

·         Robust articulation of value: resisting short-termism and shaping valuation.

As the attendees passed the students who were still working into the night, many must have been considering the value of meeting and sharing of ideas within a diverse group of business people – academics, business leaders and consultants.  The power of networking!









Liveryman Simon Engwell