CMCE Workshop: The Strategy Process 4 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
WCoMC Members Reception 12 Mar:  Temple Bar, Paternoster Square
CMCE Workshop: Building Trust & Value 25 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
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The Wider Society of the Livery....

Joining a Livery Company is a unique route to a wide society...  PM Edward Sankey explains....

Among the societies, clubs and associations related to the Livery, a long standing one is the City Livery Yacht Club.  PM Edward Sankey has been elected Rear Commodore there.

Edward has been a member for 11 years, during which time he has taken part in all but one of the club’s annual activities, which run from yacht racing to dinghy racing to Thames boating to, of course, a dinner or two! “As you’d expect from a Livery crowd, the members are great company, and the sailing is good fun!” says Edward. “The yachting has been coastal, though this year we’ve made a cross channel cruise a new annual event.“

The yacht club is just one of the many activities organised across the Livery. “I found the CLYC shortly after I’d taken part in a separate event with Liveryman David Shannon” says Edward.

“The Worshipful Company of Framework Knitters had an annual dinghy racing day on Rutland Water and we thought we would have a go. With members of a number of Livery Companies it was a great day out that I wouldn’t ordinarily have had the opportunity of! It was an enjoyable crowd there!”

Another flourishing Livery activity is golfing. The Golf Society plays two matches a year, and in July there is The Lord Mayor’s Appeal Golf Day. Liveryman David Shannon is our Company’s lead on golfing matters. (Is there no limit to this man’s interests?)


                With PM Allan Duguid and Liveryman Richard Stewart

There are of course stand-alone events in the Livery and the City, and these are typically listed in the Newsletter‘s Notices section under CityLink. Our Company is already a well established participant in the Lord Mayor’s Show! On a more society basis, there are cross-Livery groups for, at the least, Tennis, Motoring, History and Antiques, Aero interest, Photography, Music and Wine (though of course in the last two cases, WCoMC has its own top class interest groups!)  

A number of these activities take place under the aegis of the City Livery Club, see . The Club has a large number of members. With the Clerk’s extensive knowledge and contacts, Julie Fox will be able to advise of contacts in many of these interest groups. 

For more information about the City Livery Yacht Club, see .

Joining a Livery Company is a unique route to a wide society! “Spending time with people from other Companies, it is a real pleasure to realise that our Company is well known, especially of course for its Pro Bono activities and also the City Values Forum work” says Edward.

Pre-dinner Pimms on the lawn of the Royal Yacht Squadron, Cowes, after the Annual Race....








Past Master Edward Sankey