Creative Edge (AI tools) Workshop 5 Feb:  Bayes Business School
Effective Client Engagement 18 Feb:  CMCE Showcase
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Defending Rights!

Use it or lose it..... as Freemen of the City we asserted our right to drive our sheep over London Bridge....

Use it or lose it they say!      Well the other Sunday we Freemen of the City had the opportunity to assert our right to drive sheep across London Bridge! 

We had great weather. London looked at its autumn best from the bridge.

The drive was organised by the Worshipful Company of Woolmen. The Second Warden Elect, Noorzaman with his wife Kulbir were there, Clerk Adèle and her daughter Katy, with myself and the Mistress of the Company. Assistant Liz Walker came along to cheer us on.

Fortunately the sheep were very tolerant of us all! The Freemen were definitely the more apprehensive. It felt much more like the sheep were leading us across rather than we were driving them!

It is always a good crowd of people at these cross-Livery activities. It was a fundraiser of course, with half the money going to the Lord Mayor's Appeal. This was all followed by a lovely Sunday lunchtime drink at a riverside pub, in the sun! 

A bonus was to go into Fishmongers' Hall, which is by the bridge and the start of the Drive. This is perhaps the most spectacular of the Halls from the outside. The Fishmongers very kindly provided facilities and tea and coffee for us, so we could savour the gorgeous interior as well - at least the entrance hall and stair well.

Immediate Past Master, Edward Sankey